Saturday, May 3, 2008


Because of the terrible weather I was only able to ride for a few hours today. At this pace we should be home by Christmas of 2010. So we put the bike back in the van hoping for better weather tomorrow. With luck we should reach Moundsville, W.V. and cross the state at it's shortest distance. The eastern part of Ohio is really a beautiful part of America. The hills are getting higher and steeper as we head into the Appalachia mountains. Thanks for all your comments I will be happy to answer all of them as soon as I become better skilled at this web stuff. Good night for now Jim


Anonymous said...

Hang in there Uncle Jim!!!! Hang in there BIG GUY!!! I will pray for a Bright Sunny Day and the wind at your back to carrie you along this tough journey. You're Doing a GREAT JOB wish we could see what you get to see everyday.

look forward to checking in!

Love yah


Anonymous said...

Wishing you sunshine and westerly winds for the rest of your trip. Your undertaking is inspirational. I'm proud to be your sister-in-law!

Anonymous said...

I am amazed at how far you have gone. I know that I would still be in Illinois. I check several time a day to see if you have written anything. Good luck with the rest of your journey. Hopefully the weather will be on your side.

doobabe1954 said...


Hoping better weather for you! We are thinking of you always can't wait to hear the stories of your trip. Take care and be safe.

Love, Mom and Margie

Anonymous said...


Let's hope tomorrow is a better day. I'm praying for your safe journey.


Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration to all of us at SRB especially those who belong to the Mighty Middle Age Club...I hope that today's wonderful weather follows you and we wish you were the talk of the party today for Sister Mary us proud...I know that you will...

Signing off... U

Anonymous said...

Hey Jim,

I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am of your expedition. No surprise here, I'm telling anyone who'll listen what you are doing. Can't wait to hear more about Ivan Gorby and his fiddle, he sounds like my kind of guy.
Hello to the crew, and be safe.
